
Slovene corpus summarizer

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  • navesti (verb)

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Main points

  • The word most typically appears in news comments.
  • It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: Twitter, the Kvarkadabra.net forum, and the Med.Over.Net forum.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written in standard language.
  • It is typically used with tweets with neutral content.
  • It is more typically used by private users.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.

Text type

Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Year of publication

Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Linguistic standardness

Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...

Text source

The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...

Author gender

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...


  • Ko boš besedilo, recimo povedal bolj s svojimi besedami, pa lahko na koncu navedeš tudi vir iz katerega si črpal.

    pagetalk, 2005

  • Sicer pa je definicijo iz SSKJ navedel tudi [per].

    pagetalk, 2005

  • Tako, da res lahko tvorimo članek pod [per] [per] Veliki in tam navedemo še drugo ime »[per]«.

    pagetalk, 2004

  • Verjetno se da za vsako črto narediti spodoben članek in pri tem navesti kakšne zanimive zglede.

    pagetalk, 2004

  • Le napačno sem poimenoval članek - vzrok za takšno dejanje pa sem navedel zgoraj.

    pagetalk, 2007

  • Ali je povezava z [per] možna, če navedem eno evropsko zagonetko...?

    pagetalk, 2004

  • Nemški [per] ima dva nn. Prvič slišim za slabšalni pomen, ampak to ne pomeni, da se ime ne navede.

    pagetalk, 2005

  • Jaz sem v pogovoru k vrhnji kategoriji Hrana in pijače navedel da ne želim rdečih seznamov.

    pagetalk, 2005