Govorjena slovenščina
navesti (verb)
- Sources: Loading...
- Frequency: Loading...
57 %
43 %
Usage percentages of the word navesti (verb) by gender of the speaker
Taking into account the speaker's gender, the word navesti (verb) exhibits the following usage: male gender (57.29%) and female gender (42.71%).
Usage of the word navesti (verb) in different types of speech events compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word navesti (verb) exhibits the following usage in different types of speech events: above-average in informative-educational (162.3) and below-average in non-private (65.9) and private (4). The word does not appear in entertainment speech events.
Most common forms of the word navesti (verb)
Most common forms of the word navesti (verb) in the GOS corpus are navedla, navedu, navedli, navedem, navedeu, navedlo, navedemo, navesti, navest, and navedəl.
Usage of the word navesti (verb) in different forms of spoken communication compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word navesti (verb) exhibits the following usage in different forms of spoken communication: above-average in face to face communication (126) and online speech events (104.1) and below-average in radio shows (48.5) and TV shows (36.8). The word does not appear in phone conversations.
Usage of the word navesti (verb) by age of the speaker compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word navesti (verb) exhibits the following usage in different speaker age ranges: above-average with speakers aged Neznano (174.2) and below-average with speakers aged nad 60 let (27.3) and 30 do 59 let (74.9). For the speakers without the information on age the value is 174.2. The word is not found in the corpus in utterances of the speakers aged 18 do 34 let, 10 do 18 let, and do 10 let.
toda navedeu sem samo dejstva da jih je mogoče preveriti na terenu
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
za primer lahko navedemo da so institucije skoraj
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
skušala sem vam navest neki razlogov, informativno-izobraževalni, 2007-10, GosVL
ter navesti ukrepe za njihovo merjenje
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
je navedəl da bo kmet se pravi tudi tu se takoj odraža, informativno-izobraževalni, 2021-08, Artur-J
vse to kar si ti prej navedla da je ta Kanada napačno mesto da je ta služba napačno mesto da je ta partnerka napačna
informativno-izobraževalni, 2021-05, Artur-J
pa te bom samo navedu tko da oste vidl kaj jaz menim zakaj je do tega sploh pršlo, informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-10, GosVL
ampak po pariških listih in jih pol tud navedəl ta žurnal da kaj kako se reče depa, informativno-izobraževalni, 2021-05, Artur-J
Number of occurences of the word navesti (verb) by region of the speaker
In the GOS corpus, the word navesti (verb) is most frequently used by the speakers from the Upper Carniola region (3 pojavitve), followed by the speakers from Savinja region (2), Podravska;savinjska;osrednjeslovenska;tujina region (2), Drava region (2), Central Slovenia region (2), and Osrednjeslovenska;posavska region (1). The word is not found in utterances by the speakers from Mura region, Carinthia region, Central Sava Valley region, Lower Sava Valley region, Southeastern Slovenia region, Littoral–Inner Carniola region, Gorizia region, and Coastal–Karst region.
Usage of the word navesti (verb) by education level of the speaker compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word navesti (verb) does not exhibit above-average typical usage at any education level of the speaker. Values: Fakulteta ali več (73.6), Višja ali visoka šola (19.6), and Srednja šola (6.3). The word does not appear in utterances of speakers with elementary education or lower.