Povzemalnik korpusnih podatkov
Spletna slovenščina
portal (neuvrščeno)
- Viri: Nalaganje...
- Pogostost: Nalaganje...
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Eventually it'll probably say: "There is a portal nearby...
twitter, 2013
Hi, today the slovenian portal have a nice interview with Delamea.
twitter, 2017
My singing of the Portal song is interfering with my studying.
twitter, 2015
Went back to the old portal where there is Billing inside the top user account context menu.
twitter, 2016
Hey, [@per] - the new portal doesn't let us create a SQL Database, with no error, hint or anything else.
twitter, 2015
Me zanima, kateri portal si bo upal poročati o včerajšnji prometni nesreči novinarja G. [per], ki je pijan povozil kolesarja.
twitter, 2016
Over the portal of the new world "Be thyself" shall be written.
twitter, 2015
That's why it showed 2032 on my online portal yesterday!
twitter, 2014