Spletna slovenščina
rubelj (noun)
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Prijetno je, verjetno, sedeti doma v Sloveniji in gledati kako rubelj pada.
rtvslo, 2014
V letu 2015 se utegne zgoditi da bo € padel še bolj kot Rubelj.
mladina, 2015
In kdo določa vrednost valute, v tem primeru rublja.
rtvslo, 2014
Recimo, da imamo dolar kot nacionalno valuto, da bo lažje, in Krka za prodana zdravila prejme plačilo v rubljih.
rtvslo, 2014
Vrhunec je bil 15. in 16. decembra, ko je rubelj v dveh dneh izgubil okoli četrtino vrednosti.
rtvslo, 2015
Ampak zaenkrat dolar vztrajno raste, rubelj pa enako vztrajno pada.
rtvslo, 2014
Deloma jim je sicer na borzah uspelo, rubelj strmo pada ampak ne za dolgo, hitro bo vse po starem.
rtvslo, 2014
Po tvojem, ruski rubelj res pada, počasi pride ena:ena za dolar.
rtvslo, 2014
Usage of the word rubelj (noun) from 2001 until 2017 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
The usage of the word rubelj (noun) was in 2001 below-average [0], and in 2017 above-average [113.1]. The word was statistically most typically used in 2014 [204.3], followed by year 2015 [130.4] and year 2017 [113.1].
Usage percentages of the word rubelj (noun) considering the attitude of the author, as found in the text
Taking into account the attitude of the text author, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits the following usage: positive attitude (26.42%), negative attitude (33.2%), and neutral attitude (40.38%).
26 %
33 %
40 %
Usage of the word rubelj (noun) on different platforms compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits above-average typical usage on all the platforms listed. Values: Twitter (12,455,414,640.3), Rtvslo (166,029.6), Mladina (146,465.9), Avtomobilizem (59,759.1), Reporter (39,089.7), Publishwall (11,565.4), Kvarkadabra (8,773.1), and Pagetalk (3,441.9).
Usage of the word rubelj (noun) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits the following usage in different text types: above-average in news comments (119.2) and tweets (113.6) and below-average in blog posts (61.4).
Usage of the word rubelj (noun) considering different levels of linguistic standardness compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits the following usage in different degrees of language standardness: above-average in texts written in standard language (125.7) and below-average in texts written in somewhat informal language (83.2) and texts written in very informal language (44).
Usage percentages of the word rubelj (noun) by gender of the author of the text
Taking into account the author's gender, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits the following usage: male gender (74.44%), female gender (7.65%), and without the information on gender (17.91%).
74 %
8 %
18 %
Usage of the word rubelj (noun) in different account types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word rubelj (noun) exhibits the following usage in different account types: above-average in corporate user accounts (141.6) and below-average in private user accounts (93.8).