Govorjena slovenščina
preklic (noun)
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- Frequency: Loading...
Main points
- The word most typically appears in informative-educational speech events.
- It most typically appears in face-to-face communication.
- In the corpus, the word appears only in the forms preklica and preklicu.
- The word is commonly used by speakers from the Drava region.
- The word is particularly typically used by the speakers aged nad 60 let.
- The word is typically used by speakers with completed university education or higher.
Type of discourse
Speaker region
Speaker age
Speaker gender
Speaker education
Common forms
eee če želite lahko ostanete naprej naš uporabnik za to nič ne rabite se dodatno vezat teče pač eee priklop naprej do vašega preklica
nezasebni, 2010-05, Gos
športnovzgojni karton po preklicu epidemije kovida-devetnajst, informativno-izobraževalni, 2020-09, Artur-J
aha do preklica nič pa ne rabim zaj kake pogodbe sklepat al pa kaj novembra vi to avtomatsko vse uredite in naredite aha
nezasebni, 2010-05, Gos