Akademska slovenščina
poplaven (noun)
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Most typical collocations of the word poplaven (noun)
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Relativno veliko število stavb na ogroženih območjih (približno ena petina stavb na opazovanem območju) je posledica predvsem naravnogeografskih značilnosti pokrajine, kjer je raven in za poselitev (ter druge človekove dejavnosti, najbolj pa gradnjo) najbolj primeren svet v precejšnji meri tudi poplaven (Perko, 1989, str. 34).
Spremembe števila stavb na poplavnih območjih v občini Brežice med letoma 1974 in 2013, Filozofska fakulteta, Peter Poljšak Klaus, 2015
Usage of the word poplaven (noun) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical text types]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word poplaven (noun) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed text types. Values: Diplomsko delo (184).
Number of occurences of the word poplaven (noun) per year of publication [up to 10 most common years]
With regards to the year of publication, the word poplaven (noun) most frequently occurred in 2015 (1) followed by .
Usage of the word poplaven (noun) in different domains compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical domains]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word poplaven (noun) exhibits the following usage in different domains: above-average in domains P510 Fizična geografija, geomorfologija, pedologija, kartografija, klimatologija (995.8), S230 Družbena geografija (673.2), P005 Geologija, fizična geografija (639.6), P170 Računalništvo, numerična analiza, sistemi, kontrola (140.5), and H003 Zgodovina in umetnost (103.2) and below-average in domains H100 Dokumentalistika, informacijska znanost, bibliotekarstvo, arhivistika (87.8), S123 Zakon o informatiki (71.8), and S124 Patenti, avtorske in sorodne pravice, blagovne in storitvene znamke, modeli in vzorci, označbe porekla (69.7).
Up to 10 most common keywords of texts containing the word poplaven (noun)
Most common keywords of the texts in which the word poplaven (noun) appears are zaključne seminarske naloge, suburbanizacija, poplave, geografski informacijski sistemi, geografske diplome, Slovenija, and Brežice.