
Slovene corpus summarizer

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  • pelet (noun)

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Main points

  • The word most typically appears in blog posts.
  • It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: Twitter, the Avtomobilizem.com forum, and the Med.Over.Net forum.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written in somewhat informal language.
  • It is typically used with tweets with neutral content.
  • It is more typically used by corporate users.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.

Text type

Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...

Year of publication

Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Linguistic standardness

Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...


Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...

Text source

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...

Author gender

The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...


  • Tudi kuhali si bomo kar na pelete, ni panike.

    rtvslo, 2014

  • Prej 3000l olja,zdaj 6t pelet(1t=cca 250€,da se dobit tudi ceneje).

    avtomobilizem, 2012

  • Drugo kot drugo, peleti bodo VEDNO, poudarjam, VEDNO krepko cenejši kot kurilno olje.

    avtomobilizem, 2013

  • Sej avte lahko pred tem pelete na pumpo da bojo še oni meli kaj od tega.

    avtomobilizem, 2002

  • Investicija pa je pri peletih še najnižja, ker se z lahkoto za majhen denar predela stare peči na kurilno olje/drva.

    avtomobilizem, 2013

  • Prvo kot prvo je proizvajalcev peletov zmeraj več, kar pomeni, da je konkurenca in zaradi konkurence se cene ne bodo višale v nedogled.

    avtomobilizem, 2013

  • Veliko vas pozablja tudi to da so peleti izdelek za katerega je potrebna el.

    avtomobilizem, 2013

  • Za elektriko plačujemo cca 80-100 eura,ogrevamo čez 200 kvadratov s peleti in pokurimo cca 10 ton.

    avtomobilizem, 2013