Spletna slovenščina
osteonekroza (noun)
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Main points
- The word most typically appears in blog posts.
- It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: the Med.Over.Net forum.
- It is more typically used in tweets written in somewhat informal language.
- It is typically used with tweets with negative content.
- It is more typically used by private users.
- It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.
Text type
Year of publication
Linguistic standardness
Text source
Author gender
Mnenje: Stanje po spontani osteonekrozi medialnega fomoralnega kondila.
medovernet, 2012
Aseptična nekroza ali osteonekroza pomeni propad kosti pod sklepnim hrustancem zaradi motnje v prekrvitvi kosti, kar vodi v sesedanje hrustanca v sklepu, ki postane zaradi tega nefunkcionalen.
medovernet, 2012
Klinaste oblike korpusov od Th11 do L1 po aseptični osteonekrozi [per] in Schmorlove hernije.
medovernet, 2013
medovernet, 2012