Govorjena slovenščina
omrežje (noun)
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te tvoji farani spremljajo na družbenih omrežjih oziroma boš še bolj aktivən na družbenih omrežjih ? mogoče mal tvoje razmišljanje o tem
informativno-izobraževalni, 2020-12, Artur-J
eee in zdej pač iz tele slike zaenkrat pač še nč ne vidmo zdej pa če pač čist isto stvar narišem z nekim algoritmom za vložitev omrežja v ravnino pa vidmo pač da goljufi enostavno pač kar padejo ven, informativno-izobraževalni, 2013-03, GosVL
prej ste imeli sistem na kurilno olje med eee na… običajno se gradi seenset devetdeset stopinj se pravi devetdeset stopinj toplo vodo ste pošiljali bila v ekstremnih zimah v v v v omrežji in ste nazaj dobili sedndeset ne
nezasebni, 2010-04, Gos
eem tale slikca k jo tukaj gor vidmo tud to je eno omrežje konkretno je to eno družabno omrežje tele pike večje in manjše predstavljajo ljudi ljudi eem večje pike so tisti k majo več povezav se prav so v tem omrežju bl pomembni mejhne pike so tisti k majo mn povezav črte so pa seveda eee odvisno za ktero omrežje gre bi bil to Fejsbuk so črte prijateljstva a ne če so to znanstveniki ki pišejo skupej članke so črte soavtorstva a ne, informativno-izobraževalni, 2015-03, GosVL
pri čemər səm želela izhajati iz e dejstva da so družbena omrežja pravzaprav že, informativno-izobraževalni, 2021-04, Artur-J
elektriko lahko pridobivamo iz omrežja
zasebni, 2022-04, Artur-N
današnji pogled je bolj nekak usmerjen semle ne da je pač to ena taka razvejano eee eee omrežje logičnih operaterjev ki eee so recimo eee in ali eee eee eee ali ali in tko naprej a ne, informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-10, GosVL
te tvoji farani spremljajo na družbenih omrežjih oziroma boš še bolj aktivən na družbenih omrežjih ? mogoče mal tvoje razmišljanje o tem
informativno-izobraževalni, 2020-12, Artur-J
Usage of the word omrežje (noun) by age of the speaker compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word omrežje (noun) exhibits the following usage in different speaker age ranges: above-average with speakers aged Neznano (154.2) and below-average with speakers aged nad 60 let (46.2), 30 do 59 let (63.4), 18 do 34 let (52.5), and 10 do 18 let (51.6). For the speakers without the information on age the value is 154.2. The word is not found in the corpus in utterances of the speakers aged do 10 let.
Usage percentages of the word omrežje (noun) by gender of the speaker
Taking into account the speaker's gender, the word omrežje (noun) exhibits the following usage: male gender (64.12%) and female gender (35.88%).
64 %
36 %
Usage of the word omrežje (noun) in different types of speech events compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word omrežje (noun) exhibits the following usage in different types of speech events: above-average in informative-educational (146.1) and below-average in entertainment (25.2), non-private (27.9), and private (40.8).
Number of occurences of the word omrežje (noun) by region of the speaker
In the GOS corpus, the word omrežje (noun) is most frequently used by the speakers from the Central Slovenia region (12 pojavitev), followed by the speakers from Savinja region (10), Drava region (6), Podravska;savinjska region (2), Gorizia region (2), Upper Carniola region (2), and Koroška;osrednjeslovenska region (1). The word is not found in utterances by the speakers from Mura region, Carinthia region, Central Sava Valley region, Lower Sava Valley region, Southeastern Slovenia region, Littoral–Inner Carniola region, and Coastal–Karst region.
Usage of the word omrežje (noun) in different forms of spoken communication compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word omrežje (noun) exhibits the following usage in different forms of spoken communication: above-average in face to face communication (106.3), radio shows (101.7), and online speech events (151.1) and below-average in TV shows (13.9) and phone conversations (84.6).
Usage of the word omrežje (noun) by education level of the speaker compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word omrežje (noun) does not exhibit above-average typical usage at any education level of the speaker. Values: Fakulteta ali več (26), Višja ali visoka šola (99.9), Srednja šola (60.8), and OŠ ali manj (18.7).
Most common forms of the word omrežje (noun)
Most common forms of the word omrežje (noun) in the GOS corpus are omrežja, omrežje, omrežjih, omrežij, omrežju, omrežji, umrežje, omrežjəm, omrežjo, and omrežjem.