Spletna slovenščina
leopard (noun)
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Main points
- The word most typically appears in tweets.
- It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: Twitter, the Med.Over.Net forum, and News comments from RTV SLO.
- It is more typically used in tweets written in standard language.
- It is typically used with tweets with neutral content.
- It is more typically used by private users.
- It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.
Text type
Year of publication
Linguistic standardness
Text source
Author gender
Nemški parlament zaradi ruskih vojaških groženj in agresije v UKR podpira projekt razvoja novega tanka Leopard 3!
twitter, 2015
Rabim enga, ki mi bo nosil ta leopard snapchat filter čez ksiht cel dan.
twitter, 2017
Sem zelo vesela,da je mali leopard doma in vem,da vam bo skupaj uspelo.
medovernet, 2010
In zagleda tam kostum leoparda in mu takoj pade v oči.
medovernet, 2010
Leopard je še tam, pa [@per] kazensko, to je pa to.
twitter, 2014
Edini kriminal,ki ga vidim pri [per], so tisti grozni leopard čevlji.
twitter, 2015
Ko se briješ po glavi vedno dobro preveri, da ne greš ven kot leopard.
twitter, 2015
Zadnjič sem prebral, da število divjih živali v sveti (tigri, levi, pume, leopardi...
rtvslo, 2015