Sprotna slovenščina
desnica (noun)
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Novica je hitro zaokrožila med t.i. ameriško spletno desnico.
Zabava, 2025-01-30, siol.net
Novi premier tako s težavo lovi ravnotežje med levico in skrajno desnico.
Politika, 2025-01-16, siol.net
Kot je spomnil, "varnost ne sme biti ne domena levice ne desnice niti pozicije in ne opozicije".
Gospodarstvo, 2025-01-30, slovenskenovice.si
Kancler Olaf Scholz je obljubil, da stranka SPD nikoli ne bo sodelovala s skrajno desnico.
Politika, 2025-01-31, sta.si
Kancler Olaf Scholz je obljubil, da stranka SPD nikoli ne bo sodelovala s skrajno desnico.
Politika, 2025-01-31, sta.si
Kot je spomnil, "varnost ne sme biti ne domena levice ne desnice niti pozicije in ne opozicije".
Gospodarstvo, 2025-01-30, sta.si
Kot je spomnil, "varnost ne sme biti ne domena levice ne desnice niti pozicije in ne opozicije".
Gospodarstvo, 2025-01-30, sta.si
Kot je spomnil, "varnost ne sme biti ne domena levice ne desnice niti pozicije in ne opozicije".
Gospodarstvo, 2025-01-30, sta.si
Usage percentages of the word desnica (noun) in different thematic categories
The word desnica (noun) is most frequently used in the texts with the thematic category Politika (38.58%). Next thematic categories are: Kultura (15.4%), Gospodarstvo (11.45%), Prosti čas (11.28%), Znanost (10.71%), Šport (4.62%), Okolje (3.36%), Zabava (1.92%), Zdravje (0.84%), and Črna kronika (0.77%).
39 %
15 %
11 %
Prosti čas
11 %
11 %
5 %
3 %
2 %
1 %
Črna kronika
1 %
Usage of the word desnica (noun) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word desnica (noun) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed sources. Values: mladina.si (538.7), casnik.si (496.5), domovina.je (465.8), nova24tv.si (362.1), demokracija.si (346.4), reporter.si (301.3), pozareport.si (288.5), and molitev.si (265).
Usage of the word desnica (noun) from January 2019 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word desnica (noun) from January 2019 to January 2025 has, on average, increased by approximately 97%. The usage in January 2019 was above-average [105.3], and in January 2025 above-average [146.3]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period January to June 2024.
Most typical collocations of the word desnica (noun)