Sprotna slovenščina
breaking (noun)
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Usage of the word breaking (noun) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word breaking (noun) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed sources. Values: pozareport.si (1,117.9), ekipa.svet24.si (930.7), celje.info (444.7), 24ur.com (435.6), necenzurirano.si (429.6), delo.si (318.9), domovina.je (175.6), and dnevnik.si (170.7).
Usage of the word breaking (noun) from January 2019 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word breaking (noun) from January 2019 to January 2025 has, on average, increased by approximately 436%. The usage in January 2019 was below-average [0], and in January 2025 below-average [0]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period July to December 2024. MainPoints.sprotna.lastOccurrence
Usage percentages of the word breaking (noun) in different thematic categories
The word breaking (noun) is most frequently used in the texts with the thematic category Zabava (37.7%). Next thematic categories are: Prosti čas (30.33%), Kultura (11.48%), Šport (9.84%), Znanost (7.38%), Politika (1.64%), and Gospodarstvo (1.64%).
38 %
Prosti čas
30 %
11 %
10 %
7 %
2 %
2 %
Mislim, da je MMC včasih prepočasen pri odzivanju na "breaking news".
Kultura, 2022-06-04, domovina.je
Novost na državnem prvenstvu bodo tudi break pari ali breaking 2 vs. 2.
Zabava, 2024-05-24, ekipa.svet24.si
Letos mu je šlo še bolje, vse uspehe pa je kronal prav z naslovom najboljšega breaking plesalca na zemeljski obli v svoji kategoriji.
Zabava, 2024-11-17, necenzurirano.si
Tudi Viktor je naravnost izjemen plesalec in evropski prvak v breakingu v svoji kategoriji.
Zabava, 2024-11-17, necenzurirano.si
Indi pravi, da je kot otrok zelo rada plesala, mlajši brat pa jo je pozneje navdušil za breaking.
Prosti čas, 2022-11-18, ekipa.svet24.si
Začel se je daljši svetlobni šov, v katerem je sodelovalo več kot 100 plesalcev, mojstrov parkourja in breakinga.
Šport, 2024-08-11, rtvslo.si
Začel se je daljši svetlobni šov, v katerem je sodelovalo več kot 100 plesalcev, mojstrov parkourja in breakinga.
Šport, 2024-08-11, rtvslo.si
Prav tako želim, da me opazi širša javnost in ji približam breaking na način, kakršnega še niso videli.
Zabava, 2024-11-04, 24ur.com
Most typical collocations of the word breaking (noun)