Govorjena slovenščina
agresija (noun)
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- Frequency: Loading...
Main points
- The word most typically appears in informative-educational speech events.
- It most typically appears in face-to-face communication.
- In the corpus, the word appears only in the forms agresija, agresiji, and agresije.
- The word is particularly typically used by the speakers aged nad 60 let.
- The word is typically used by speakers with completed university education or higher.
Type of discourse
Speaker region
Speaker age
Speaker gender
Speaker education
Common forms
združevanje in ščuvanje h genocidu hudodelstvom zoper človečnost ali agresiji
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
to se gone… genocid hudodelstva zoper človečnost vojna hudodelstva agresija
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
med njimi vlada neka eee interakcija tudi agresija, informativno-izobraževalni, 2015-12, GosVL
nobena agresija nobena zahteva
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
prav tako ni nikoli kazal znakov agresije
informativno-izobraževalni, 2009-09, Gos