Govorjena slovenščina
žito (noun)
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Main points
- The word most typically appears in informative-educational speech events.
- It most typically appears in face-to-face communication.
- Most common pronunciation forms of the word are žito, žitih, and žita.
- The word is commonly used by speakers from the Mura, Coastal–Karst, and obalno-kraška;osrednjeslovenska region.
- The word is particularly typically used by the speakers aged nad 60 let.
- The word is typically used by speakers with completed university education or higher.
Type of discourse
Speaker region
Speaker age
Speaker gender
Speaker education
Common forms
pri žitih ja žitaricah
informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-08, Gos
pri vsem teh samooskrbah še naj omenim tudi sadje torej predusem tudi žito
informativno-izobraževalni, Artur-P
iz ledra napravleno tov so bili velke lade nej dvakrat dva metra in tu je bila pšenica ječmen žito ka je pač bilov nej ali več pšenice
zasebni, 2009-07, Gos
in ge san bila tan z njimi in meni še gnes po šestdeseti lejtaj najlešpe diši pokošeno mlado žito
zasebni, 2009-07, Gos
žanjejo pa ne žanjejo žito ne
informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-08, Gos
naš ka so se tak iz žita eee splele nej ka se je te eee snop zvezal
zasebni, 2009-07, Gos
informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-08, Gos
informativno-izobraževalni, 2010-08, Gos