Standardna slovenščina
bisfenol (adverb)
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Most typical collocations of the word bisfenol (adverb)
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Nevarna niso vsa konzervirana živila, najbolj pa je prav paradižnik, saj zaradi njegove kislosti bisfenol lažje preide vanj in se tam zadrži.
internet, novice, 2015
Nekateri proizvodi iz polikarbonatov vsebujejo bisfenol A. Ko je izdelek nov, se ga izloča zelo malo, z dolgotrajno uporabo pa čedalje več.
Delo, 1999
Plastika, označena s številko 3, vsebuje mehčala, med katerimi sta tudi DEHP in bisfenol A. Oba spadata v kategorijo hormonskih motilcev, snovi, ki lahko negativno vplivajo na normalno delovanje žlez z notranjim izločanjem, a se kljub temu pogosto uporabljata pri izdelavi plastenk.
internet, novice, 2012
Plastike reciklažnega tipa 03 - polivinilkloridne (PVC) plastike, tudi lahko vsebujejo bisfenol A, saj ga pri izdelavi PVC plastik uporabljajo kot antioksidant.
drugo, 2010
Čeprav naj bi bil po uradnih razlagah bisfenol A v majhnih količinah zdravju neškodljiv, najnovejše raziskave opozarjajo, da smo ljudje tej nevarni kemikaliji izpostavljeni iz toliko različnih virov, da njen vpliv, če ga seštejemo, ni več nedolžen.
drugo, 2009
Usage of the word bisfenol (adverb) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word bisfenol (adverb) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed sources. Values: drugo (253.4), internet, novice (155.1), and Delo (134.3).
Usage of the word bisfenol (adverb) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word bisfenol (adverb) exhibits the following usage in different resources: above-average in magazines (109.4) and below-average in web texts (65) and newspapers (19.1). The word does not appear in non-fiction, fiction, and texts under Other.
Usage of the word bisfenol (adverb) from 1990 to 2018 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word bisfenol (adverb) from 1990 to 2018 has, on average, increased by approximately 2,078%. The usage in 1990 was below-average [0], and in 2018 below-average [0]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period 2009–2013. In the corpus, the word first appears in 1999.In the corpus, the word no longer appears after 2015.
Most common forms of the word bisfenol (adverb)
The word bisfenol (adverb) appears in the Gigafida corpus only in the form bisfenol.