
Slovene corpus summarizer

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  • protitetanusen (adjective)

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Main points

  • The word is most frequently used in the following texts: magistrsko delo.
  • It is most typically found in domains: B680 Javno zdravstvo, epidemiologija, S191 Trženje, and B720 Splošna medicina, zdravniško izobraževanje.
  • Most common keywords of texts in which the word is found are: zdravstveno varstvo, uporabniki, storitve, stališča, and odločanje.

Text type

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...


Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...

Common keywords

Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...

Year of publication

The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...


Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


  • Strokovni in znanstvenoraziskovalni članki Janet, Evgen: ELISA kot metoda izbora pri določevanju protitetanusnih protiteles v serumu; 2. slovenski kongres preventivne medicine, 6.–10. junij 1998/The nd Slovenian Congress on Preventive Medicine, Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, 1998, str. 31.

    Ugotavljanje stališč uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev do cepljenja, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Evgen Janet, 2012