Standardna slovenščina
medleten (adjective)
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Most typical collocations of the word medleten (adjective)
Usage of the word medleten (adjective) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word medleten (adjective) does not exhibit above-average typical usage in any of the text types. Values: Internet (38.8), Newspapers (42), Magazines (46.7), Non-fiction (50.8), and Other (10.3). The word does not appear in fiction.
Usage of the word medleten (adjective) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word medleten (adjective) exhibits the following usage in different sources: above-average in the sources Finance (1,663.4), drugo (153.5), and internet, novice (101.5) and below-average in the sources Gorenjski glas (60.9), Dnevnik (56.8), Delo (43.7), Večer (29.7), and ??? (26.5).
Most common forms of the word medleten (adjective)
Most common forms of the word medleten (adjective) in the Gigafida corpus are medletni, medletna, medletno, medletne, Medletna, medletnih, medletnega, medletnem, Medletno, and Medletni.
Usage of the word medleten (adjective) from 1990 to 2018 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word medleten (adjective) from 1990 to 2018 has, on average, increased by approximately 4,624%. The usage in 1990 was below-average [0], and in 2018 above-average [157.2]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period 2009–2013. In the corpus, the word first appears in 1991.
Foto: Reuters Rast posojil nebančnemu sektorju se je novembra nekoliko znižala in je medletno znašala 6,6 odstotka.
internet, novice, 2018
Nova ocena je potrdila, da se je gospodarska dinamika v ZDA po 2,9-odstotni medletni rasti v zadnjih treh mesecih 2017 upočasnila.
internet, novice, 2018
Novembra lani je vrednost gradbenih del na mesečni ravni narasla za 2,2 odstotka, v medletni primerjavi pa je bila višja za 21,2 odstotka.
internet, novice, 2018
V prvih osmih mesecih leta je bilo v EU registriranih 8,27 milijona novih avtomobilov, kar v medletni primerjavi pomeni 7,1-odstotni padec.
internet, novice, 2012
Republiški sekretar za finance lahko v soglasju z Banko Slovenije predpiše obliko in vrsto medletnih računovodskih izkazov in poročil bank.
Državni zbor Republike Slovenije, 1991
V drugem letošnjem četrtletju se je kitajska gospodarska rast ustavila pri 7,6 odsotka na medletni ravni.
internet, novice, 2012
Prodanih je bilo največ Renaultovih cliov 319 vozil, je pa prodaja teh vozil medletno tudi najbolj upadla, za 5,67 odstotka.
internet, novice, 2014
Trend rasti posojil gospodinjstvom se je še naprej zviševal, januarja je medletno dosegel 5,3 odstotka.
internet, novice, 2017