maraton (adjective)
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Veliko sta kolesarila z Igorjem Golčmanom, udeleževala sta se tudi ultra težke maratone dolžine do 250 kilometrov in preko 5000 metrov nadmorske višine, na enem izmed njih, kjer je zmagal Valter Bonča, pa je Vodlan med 3500 udeleženci dosegel 180. mesto, kar je zavidanja vreden rezultat.
drugo, 2002
na maraton dan..
twitter, 2014
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Most typical collocations of the word maraton (adjective) in different corpora
Number of occurences of the word maraton (adjective) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word maraton (adjective) is most commonly used in the corpus of Standard Written Slovene Gigafida (-1 occurences per million words).
Usage of the word maraton (adjective) from 1991 to November 2024 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word maraton (adjective) from 1991 to November 2024 has, on average, decreased by approximately 57%. The usage in 1991 was below-average [0], and in 2024 below-average [0]. The word maraton was most typically used in the period 1999–2003.