
Slovene corpus summarizer

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  • električen (adjective)

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Main points

  • The word most typically appears in blog posts.
  • It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: Twitter, the Kvarkadabra.net forum, and the Avtomobilizem.com forum.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written in standard language.
  • It is typically used with tweets with positive content.
  • It is more typically used by corporate users.
  • It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.

Text type

The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...


Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Year of publication

Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Linguistic standardness

Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...


Main points summarize key information from the diagrams and lists...

Text source

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...

Author gender

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...


  • Ta "energetska gostota" ni povezana z gostoto električnega ali magnetnega polja.

    usertalk, 2015

  • Kar se tiče kitar, če jih bo res veliko, jih bomo dajali v 2 kategoriji; električne in akustične.

    usertalk, 2007

  • Tudi amper sekunda (krajše [per]) je mera za električni naboj, ne električni pretok.

    pagetalk, 2013

  • Kolikor se spomnim (spet nimam knjige) v tem poglavju ni bilo govora o robotu, ki je veroval v električni generator.

    pagetalk, 2007

  • Med težave je potrebno dodati problem zimske soli na cestah in njeno uničevanje električnih naprav v podvozju (elektromotor, ...

    pagetalk, 2004

  • Po tej definiciji je sodobni izvedeni (von [per]) matematični procesor v bistvu električni krog.

    pagetalk, 2003

  • Tudi amper sekunda (krajše [per]) je mera za električni naboj, ne električni pretok.

    pagetalk, 2013

  • Potem pa fizikalno polje razdelimo na električno, magnetno, gravitacijsko...

    pagetalk, 2005