Akademska slovenščina
čelo (adjective)
- Sources: Loading...
- Frequency: Loading...
Main points
- The word is most frequently used in the following texts: strokovna monografija.
- It is most typically found in domains: T460 Lesna, kašna in papirna tehnologija, B430 Gozdarstvo, gozdovi, gozdarska tehnologija, and B006 Agronomija.
- Most common keywords of texts in which the word is found are: .
Text type
Common keywords
Year of publication
Mesto zaiaganja mora biti od éel oblovine razliéno oddaljeno gle de ma vrsto lesa.
Vpliv časovnega spreminjanja vlažnosti drobnega bukovega lesa na merjenje po teži, Biotehniška fakulteta, Marjan Lipoglavšek, 1976