vojna (residual)
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Babić, Manojko (1980) Oklopne i mehanizovane jedinice u četvrtom Arapsko – Izraelskom ratu, Beograd, Vojna Biblioteka, Savremena vojna misao.
Bliskovita vojna in globoka bitka, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Jurij Krajnik, 2006
Samo v izrednih razmerah (Vojna etc.
twitter, 2015
U Sloveniji danas počela međunarodna vojna vježba Adriatic strike 2015.
rtvslo, 2015
But there's also Vojna zvezd title.
usertalk, 2016
Tema pa 2. sv. vojna LOL #udba
twitter, 2016
neki zate 😀“[@per]: [per] [per] [per]: Peticijska vojna [URL] [@per]”
twitter, 2015
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Number of occurences of the word vojna (residual) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word vojna (residual) is most commonly used in the corpus of Internet Slovene JANES (0.03 occurences per million words).
Most typical collocations of the word vojna (residual) in different corpora
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Usage of the word vojna (residual) from 1991 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
There are no results for the word vojna (residual).
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