trajnost (residual)
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In the production phase of the lamp, the material is fully utilized, which means that there is no unnecessary waste Zornik J. Trajnost kot ena izmed temeljnih vrednot v sodobnem oblikovanju - Svetilo.
Trajnost kot ena izmed temeljnih vrednot v sodobnem oblikovanju - svetilo, Visoka šola za dizajn v Ljubljani, Jo Zornik, 2020
PR: Danfoss is a world-leading supplier of technologies and solutions that support the growing need for efficient energy utilization and better climate control, and we develop, manufacture and sell products that lower energy consumption and reduce CO emissions and thus help meet these challenges Trajnost vs. udobje A: In zato jaz mislim, da se to zeleno ne bo samo od sebe zgodilo.
Raziskovanje korporacijske trajnosti na dimenziji megatrenda šibke-močne trajnosti, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Tea Karamatić, 2021
So why not take that and accelerate the journey we’ve been already on Trajnost del brandinga A: And um the future way we’re going to communicate sustainability in our campaigns and um, in our branding will also be very closely linked to that whole process Trajnost kot osrednji del tega kaj pomeni biti Danfoss A: it’s not saying that we are sustainable, because every company are saying that we want to work in the sustainability field, because every company kind of has to say that in nowadays.
Raziskovanje korporacijske trajnosti na dimenziji megatrenda šibke-močne trajnosti, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Tea Karamatić, 2021
we strategically need to go for growth and how we need to communicate on the green agenda Sprememba internih procesov za doseganje trajnosti A: last year that we announced that we wanted to be CO neutral for 2030, so already there was a bold commitment on a not only about that we want to sell a lot of products to make a lot of changes in the world, we also want to make sure that our own conduction um, is CO neutral making a bold vision for our own sustainability vision on factory and production level Trajnost središče poslovanja A: And we need to define ourselves stronger around that to the rest of the world.
Raziskovanje korporacijske trajnosti na dimenziji megatrenda šibke-močne trajnosti, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Tea Karamatić, 2021
kao da će se njihovi listovi sa malim fotografijama u svakom trenutku rasuti, a to će onda prekomponovati prvobitno utvrđenu vizuelnu naraciju. neki porodični albumi nisu nikada ni bili čvrsto povezani i oblikovani kao knjiga sa slikama, nego su njihovi pojedinačni listovi bili proizvoljno složeni u obeležene fascikle. dakle, već sama struktura fotografskog albuma u 20. veku nije pratila linearni tok vizuelne naracije, nego je svojom fleksibilnošću nudila mogućnost za otvorenu i rizomsku formu predstavljanja, a onda i čitanja porodične istorije. drugim rečima, prolaznost i promenljivost, a ne stabilnost i trajnost kao u 19. veku, postali su ključni principi na kojima se temelji struktura porodičnih fotografskih albuma 20. veka. to su bile, ujedno, i nove vrednosti na kojima je insistirala era modernosti.
Institucionalni, izkustveni in disciplinarni konteksti za študijo o interpretaciji umetnosti v muzejih kot edukacijske prakse, Pedagoška fakulteta, Rajka Bračun Sova, 2014
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Most typical collocations of the word trajnost (residual) in different corpora
Number of occurences of the word trajnost (residual) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word trajnost (residual) is most commonly used in the corpus of Standard Written Slovene Gigafida (-1 occurences per million words).
Usage of the word trajnost (residual) from 1991 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
There are no results for the word trajnost (residual).
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