Spletna slovenščina
tarča (residual)
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Main points
- The word most typically appears in tweets.
- It is most typically used in texts from the following sources: Twitter and News comments from RTV SLO.
- It is more typically used in tweets written in very informal language.
- It is typically used with tweets with negative content.
- It is more typically used by corporate users.
- It is more typically used in tweets written by male users.
Text type
Year of publication
Linguistic standardness
Text source
Author gender
Itak se mu ne bo nič zgodilo, saj ni bil glavnia tarča on, ampak se ve kdo.
rtvslo, 2014
Ma v kurac i tarča i udba #wtf
twitter, 2014
24ur: Pogba tarča Paris Saint Germaina [URL] #slonews
twitter, 2014
Taki so tarča - ostali pozaugajo tako ali drugače
twitter, 2015
top tarča ever #tvslo1
twitter, 2015