raketa (residual)
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The target group was represented by members of the Raketa cycling association and past participants of the Istrian marathon.
Osebnost blagovne znamke v športnem turizmu, Univerza na Primorskem, Jernej Meško, 2021
If only Raketa was just a bit faster ...
twitter, 2015
Alves and Raketa did not have their day however.
twitter, 2015
Osnovna varijanta je sposobna za dejstvo protiv aviona i helikoptera na svim visinama njihove upotrebe, a na zahtev naručioca sistem se može osposobiti i za efikasno dejstvo [@per] krstarećih raketa i ciljeva koji primenjuju intenzivno elektronsko ometanje.
rtvslo, 2014
Prema predviđanjima NASA-e, space shuttle će zamijeniti cijelu flotu postojećih raketa i sniziti troškove pokretanja satelita.
rtvslo, 2011
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Most typical collocations of the word raketa (residual) in different corpora
Number of occurences of the word raketa (residual) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word raketa (residual) is most commonly used in the corpus of Internet Slovene JANES (0.02 occurences per million words).
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Usage of the word raketa (residual) from 1991 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
There are no results for the word raketa (residual).