Akademska slovenščina
energetika (residual)
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Most typical collocations of the word energetika (residual)
Keywords: spiritual intelligence, managers, managemement, leaders, Company Petrol Energetika, d. o. o. i KAZALO VSEBINE 1 UVOD ...
Vloga duhovne inteligence v podjetju X, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Mateja Sekavčnik, 2017
Using the indicators, we carried out an analysis, determining that the company Energetika Celje, LLC, operated successfully throughout all the years.
Pomen izkaza finančnega položaja in kazalnikov ter analiza poslovanja podjetja X, Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije, Patricija Verbič Kovačič, 2020
Given the obtained results of the analysis of the income statement, we found that, during the period from 2014 to 2018, the company Energetika Celje, LLC operated at profit.
Pomen izkaza finančnega položaja in kazalnikov ter analiza poslovanja podjetja X, Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije, Patricija Verbič Kovačič, 2020
It is a complicated process because PE Ravne cooperates with Petrol Energetika Company, and that leads to too many involved participants, irregularities and disadvantages.
Predlog prenove procesa izgradnje energetskih naprav v podjetju Petrol Tehnologija, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Iztok Pšeničnik, 2006
It sends electric energy through junction centre to the electricity network of Slovenia, and thermal energy through Energetika Ljubljana, d. o. o. to the district heating system in Ljubljana.
Uporaba lesnih sekancev za proizvodnjo električne in toplotne energije v Termoelektrarni toplarni Ljubljana, d.o.o., Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Luka Debeljak, 2011
For determination of the existing situation of heating types in Municipality Maribor we examined the chimney sweep database, the database of the company Plinarna Maribor d.o.o. and the database of the company Energetika Maribor d.o.o.
Načini ogrevanja za doseganje zmanjšanja delcev PM[sub]10 na primeru Mestne občine Maribor, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Maša Šket, 2013
The main goal of the survey is to get a general view of the situation of education in the Energetika Ljubljana and to give suggestions for the improvement.
Organizacija izobraževanja v JP Energetika Ljubljana d.o.o., Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Rok Cimerman, 2011
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo Republike Slovenije. [URL: http://www.mg.gov.si/ fileadmin/ mg.gov.si/ pageuploads/ Energetika/ Register_KP.htm], 17.8.2007.
Razvijanje strategije izvajanja tržnih dejavnosti podjetja Elektro Gorenjska v samostojnem podjetju, Ekonomska fakulteta, Ambrož Bogataj, 2007
Usage of the word energetika (residual) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical text types]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word energetika (residual) exhibits the following usage in different text types: above-average in text types Pregledni znanstveni članek (1,528.8) and Diplomsko delo (125.5) and below-average in text type Magistrsko delo (72.2).
Number of occurences of the word energetika (residual) per year of publication [up to 10 most common years]
With regards to the year of publication, the word energetika (residual) most frequently occurred in 2020 (3) followed by year 2014 (3), year 2011 (3), year 2021 (2), year 2012 (2), year 2010 (2), year 2000 (2), year 2017 (1), year 2013 (1), and year 2008 (1).
Usage of the word energetika (residual) in different domains compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical domains]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word energetika (residual) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed domains. Values: T140 Energijske raziskave (1,200.3), B530 Srce in obtočila (258.2), S280 Andragogika, stalno izobraževanje (193.1), B470 Fiziologija (180.5), B115 Biomehanika, kibernetika (180.5), B440 Človeška anatomija in morfologija (145.6), B580 Okostje, mišice, revmatologija, lokomocija (113.7), and T270 Okoljska tehnologija, nadzor onesnaženja (109.5).
Up to 10 most common keywords of texts containing the word energetika (residual)
Most common keywords of the texts in which the word energetika (residual) appears are Slovenija, poslovanje podjetja, obnovljivi viri energije, energetika, računovodski kazalniki, računovodski izkazi, lesna biomasa, izkaz finančnega položaja, diplomska dela, and daljinsko ogrevanje.