carina (residual)
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Most typical collocations of the word carina (residual) in different corpora
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Usage of the word carina (residual) from 1991 to January 2025 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
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Keywords: radical radiation therapy, image verification, tumour registration, carina of the trachea, adaptive radiotherapy.
Pomen slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s konusnim snopom pri obsevanju raka pljuč, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Karmen Štrljič, 2021
Registration on the carina of the trachea is more accurate than spine registration for centrally located tumours in all directions.
Pomen slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s konusnim snopom pri obsevanju raka pljuč, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Karmen Štrljič, 2021
Results: Differences between tumour-spine registration and tumour-carina of the trachea registration are the greatest in the longitudinal direction.
Pomen slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s konusnim snopom pri obsevanju raka pljuč, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Karmen Štrljič, 2021
Discussion and Conclusion: The results show that registration on the carina of the trachea is more reminiscent of tumour registration than spinal registration.
Pomen slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s konusnim snopom pri obsevanju raka pljuč, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Karmen Štrljič, 2021
Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to determine if there are any differences between the spine registration or the registration on the carina of the trachea in respect to tumour registration.
Pomen slikovne verifikacije z računalniško tomografijo s konusnim snopom pri obsevanju raka pljuč, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Karmen Štrljič, 2021
la [per] + carina del mondo :-) [URL]
twitter, 2016
Imaje carina srid mista, wlada, ka je bedn na przna, pa 15 stopinj panač in nuosje puhawke.
twitter, 2014
congrats Carina Vogt :)
twitter, 2015
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Number of occurences of the word carina (residual) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word carina (residual) is most commonly used in the corpus of Internet Slovene JANES (0.01 occurences per million words).