Standardna slovenščina
bonifikacijski (residual)
- Sources: Loading...
- Frequency: Loading...
Main points
- The word was most typically used in the period 2014–2018.
- In the corpus, the word first appears in 2017.
- In the corpus, the word no longer appears after 2017.
- On average the usage of the word in the period 1991-2018 has increased by 325%.
- In the corpus, the word is only found in the form bonifikacijskih.
Text type
Text source
Year of publication
"Danes smo se bali morebitnih napadov v samem zaključku, ker so bile razlike res majhne in bi po zaslugi bonifikacijskih sekund Tadej lahko izgubil mesto na odru za zmagovalce.
internet, novice, 2017