
Slovene corpus summarizer

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  • biomasa (residual)

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Main points

  • The word is most frequently used in the following texts: končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav, diplomsko delo, and magistrsko delo.
  • It is most typically found in domains: T380 Naravna olja, tehnologija maščob in voskov, T370 Kemija ogljikovih spojin, petrokemija, tehnologija goriv in eksplozivov, and T460 Lesna, kašna in papirna tehnologija.
  • Most common keywords of texts in which the word is found are: gozdarstvo, toplogredni plini, raba tal, ponor, and gozdovi.
  • The word most typically occurs with de.

Text type

For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...


For frequent lemmas, obtaining the results can take a while...

Common keywords

The five corpora, in which Korpusnik conducts its searches, contain over 5.5 billion tokens...

Year of publication

Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


Korpusnik is searching in five different corpora, thus the preparation of the results may take a while...


  • ' CO, Emissions from Biomasa Note: All footnotes for this table are given at the end of the table on sheet 5.

    Zaključno poročilo naloge Javna okoljska služba 2012, Univerza v Ljubljani, Laura Žižek, 2013

  • URL: http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=IBE.MC (Citirano 13.3.2016).  Rico, J., 2014. España: 80.000 instalaciones de biomasa térmica y duplica consumo de pélets.

    Raba obnovljivih virov energije v Španiji, Filozofska fakulteta, Patricia Tomšić, 2016

  • Estudio de la remoción del colorante azul de metileno empleando la biomasa de la Morinda CitrocifoliaL..Quivera.

    Cellulose - based porous polymers obtained through high internal phase emulsions, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Paula Estévez Recio, 2021

  • Carbonatockchaugelnabov Carbonstockchangelnbelow Nd Nd _et carbon stock Net C; above-ground biomasa below onnd blem Area of (!)-tn per {ru, "(suo P" carbon removal ground binarnem") ground biomase n'") carbon Net ""-""" change in ! emlslons/ area stock stock e mlaja: to stock factor Pu, dm; (m, ideouncalion code Sadama!"

    Izvajanje aktivnosti v povezavi z ocenami ponorov toplogrednih plinov za področje "Raba tal, sprememba rabe tal in gozdarstvo" (LULUCF), Univerza v Ljubljani, Laura Žižek, 2012

  • Dostopno na: http://www.riteh.uniri.hr/media/filer_public/e/62/eaba-a-a-eefdee/ivan_jakovljevic_prilog_proracunu_parne_turbine_u_kogeneracijskom _sustavu_s_promjenjivim_uvjetima_pogona.pdf [28.09.2014] [14] Rak Šajn J., Biomasa će postati jedan od važnijih energenata u RH, VL, Prilog, 5.studenog 2008. [15] Ministrstvo za gospodarske dejavnosti, Agencija RS za učinkovito rabo energije Dostopno na: http://gcs.gi-zrmk.si/Svetovanje/Clanki/PDFknjiznjicaAURE/IL-01.PDF [01.03.2016] [16] Slunjski, M., Sučić, Ž., Iskorak Hrvatskih šuma u korištenju šumske biomase,Savjetovanje Obnovljivi izvori energije u RH, HGK, Osijek, 27-29. svibnja 2008.

    Analiza kogeneracijskega sistema na biomaso, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Mario Žilavec, 2016

  • Rhodius R, Peters D M, Ferranti F, Frei T, Gorriz E, Kurttila M, Leban V, Lindstad B H, Pezdevsek Malovrh S, Schuck A, Wirth K, Zadnik Stirn L (2014).Ane’lisis de los conflictos derivados de la produccion y uso de biomasa forestal para energia en Europa.

    Konkurenca pri izrabi gozdnega prostora (COOL), Biotehniška fakulteta, Lidija Zadnik Stirn, 2015

  • 'Š CHANGE AND FORESTRY lnventory 2010 Other land — Submission I vl.l (Sheet ] of 1) SLOVENIA GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCE AND SINK CATEGORII'E [MPLIED CARBON-STOCK—CHANGE FACTORS CHANGES [N CARBON STOCK Net CO, emissions! removals (5) (s) Net carbon stock change in dead organlc matter per ") Net carbon stock change ln soils per area Net carbon stock change ln dead organic matte r") Carbon stock change in living biomasa) «) Net carbon stock change ln Land—Use Category ] l.therlandrernaininmerLandm :.

    Izvajanje aktivnosti v povezavi z ocenami ponorov toplogrednih plinov za področje "Raba tal, sprememba rabe tal in gozdarstvo" (LULUCF), Univerza v Ljubljani, Laura Žižek, 2012

  • Growing stock of trees onjbrest. total: _ Yes I No Growing stock of trees on fem! available for mod supply: Yes I No Woody biomasa onjbrest and other wooded land: Yes I No lfadjusted. descriph'on of adjustment process: Attached I Net attached Specifications of known deviations from TERA-2000 definitions: Attached I Not attached Likely range: Taking weount of errors due to measurement, sampling. and adjustment. please indicate the range within which the true value is likely to be. for the following parameters: Growing stock ofrees. total: from ... to ... thousand m o.b. _ Growing stock of trees oufivmt available for wood supply: from to

    Zaključno poročilo: UN - ECE/FAO temperate and boreal forest resources assessment 2000 for Slovenia, Univerza v Ljubljani, Milan Hočevar, 1999