Sprotna slovenščina
kanader (interjection)
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Main points
- The word is most typically used on media websites slovenskenovice.si and sta.si.
- The word was most typically used in the period from July to December 2022.
- In the corpus, the word first appears in in July 2022.
- In the corpus, the word no longer appears after August 2022.
- On average the usage of the word in the period 2019-2024 has increased by 417%.
- In the corpus, the word is only found in the texts on a topic of Črna kronika and Okolje.
Year of publication
Text source
"Imamo vrh hriba, visok borov gozd, kanader nam pomaga in se borimo.
Črna kronika, 2022-08-07, slovenskenovice.si
pomoči Vrsta Ocenjena količina zmogljivosti odvržene vode ------------------------------------------------------------------- Avstrija (20.-24.7.) 1 helikopter 200.000 Hrvaška (17.7. in 20.-23.7.) 1 helikopter 1 letalo kanader gasilska enota 8 oseb 400.000 Romunija (23.-24.7.) 2 letali Spartan 1 letalo Hercules 20.000 Slovaška (21.-24.7.) 1 helikopter 3 gasilska vozila, 8 gasilcev 30 vojakov 702.000 Srbija (22.-24.7.) 2 helikopterja 590.000 --------------------------------------------------
Okolje, 2022-07-27, sta.si