Akademska slovenščina
eris (interjection)
- Sources: Loading...
- Frequency: Loading...
Main points
- The word is most frequently used in the following texts: magistrsko delo.
- It is most typically found in domains: S210 Sociologija, S214 Družbene spremembe, teorija socialnega dela, and S213 Socialne strukture.
- Most common keywords of texts in which the word is found are: stari ljudje, srednja generacija, prosti čas, mladi, and medosebni odnosi.
Text type
Common keywords
Year of publication
– eris »rod, izvor, pleme.«
Medgeneracijski odnosi in potreba po medgeneracijskem centru v lokalni skupnosti, Fakulteta za socialno delo, Iva Varšava, 2021