Standardna slovenščina
sestreliti (verb)
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Most common forms of the word sestreliti (verb)
Most common forms of the word sestreliti (verb) in the Gigafida corpus are sestrelili, sestrelila, sestrelil, sestreliti, sestreli, sestrelijo, sestrelile, sestrelilo, Sestrelili, and sestrelita.
Most typical collocations of the word sestreliti (verb)
Usage of the word sestreliti (verb) in different text types compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word sestreliti (verb) does not exhibit above-average typical usage in any of the text types. Values: Internet (79.2), Newspapers (33.4), Magazines (43.9), Non-fiction (53.9), Fiction (18.7), and Other (5.2).
To je potrdila izraelska vojska, ki pa ne navaja, katero letalo je sestrelila.
internet, novice, 2014
Obe strani sta se medsebojno obtožili, da sta letalo sestrelili.
internet, novice, 2014
Njegov spitfire sta napadla dva me 110 in ga sestrelila.
drugo, 2007
Največja nevarnost za britanske enote je bil težki mitraljez, s katerim bi lahko tolpa sestrelila helikopterje med pristankom.
drugo, 2007
V primeru, da bo raketa kršila japonski zračni prostor, jo bo Japonska sestrelila.
internet, novice, 2012
Ker je raketa letela proti cilju z nadzvočno hitrostjo, jo je bilo nemogoče sestreliti med letom.
drugo, 2006
Med priprtimi po poskusu udara sta tudi turška pilota, ki sta novembra lani ob sirski meji sestrelila ruskega lovca.
internet, novice, 2016
Na orožje torej, ki je pred dobrima dvema letoma nad vzhodnim delom Ukrajine sestrelilo malezijsko potniško letalo.
internet, novice, 2016
Usage of the word sestreliti (verb) from 1990 to 2018 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word sestreliti (verb) from 1990 to 2018 has, on average, decreased by approximately 13%. The usage in 1990 was below-average [0], and in 2018 above-average [125]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period 2014–2018. In the corpus, the word first appears in 1991.
Usage of the word sestreliti (verb) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word sestreliti (verb) exhibits the following usage in different sources: above-average in the sources eBesede (440.5), Družba Piano (333), DZS (279.1), Mladina (230), internet, novice (176.8), Tehniška založba (165.7), and Večer (151.9) and below-average in the source Dnevnik (98.4).