Sprotna slovenščina
dejati (verb)
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Most typical collocations of the word dejati (verb)
Veliko investirajo tudi v fotovoltaiko, saj želijo biti energetsko čim bolj neodvisni, je dejal Tomšič.
Gospodarstvo, 2024-12-10, zurnal24.si
Stanje je, kakršno je," je dejal.
Šport, 2024-12-07, zurnal24.si
Tekaško sem dobro pripravljena, malo mi manjka v skokih," je za Smučarsko zvezo Slovenije dejala najboljša slovenska kombinatorka.
Šport, 2024-12-07, zurnal24.si
Mi trenerji jih moramo znati pravilno usmerjati," je za TV Slovenija po tekmi med drugim dejal Hrgota.
Šport, 2024-12-07, zurnal24.si
In je zelo prijazen fant," je o svojem najmlajšem sinu še dejal Trump.
Prosti čas, 2024-12-06, zurnal24.si
Ulf Schmidt, nekdanji švedski teniški igralec in njen dobri prijatelj, je v intervjuju za "Expressen" dejal: "Šokiran sem.
Zabava, 2024-12-06, zurnal24.si
To je tudi edini razlog, zakaj sem se sam odločil, da svojo varnostno službo preselim," je dejal Golob.
Črna kronika, 2024-12-06, zurnal24.si
Obenem mi vse skupaj daje tudi motivacijo za prihodnje leto," je v prvem odzivu na odru Gabrielovega paviljona dejal Pogačar.
Šport, 2024-12-06, zurnal24.si
Usage percentages of the word dejati (verb) in different thematic categories
The word dejati (verb) is most frequently used in the texts with the thematic category Politika (27.32%). Next thematic categories are: Šport (17.03%), Gospodarstvo (11.23%), Zdravje (9.03%), Prosti čas (8.26%), Okolje (6.88%), Kultura (5.25%), Znanost (4.7%), Zabava (3.99%), and Črna kronika (3.35%).
27 %
17 %
11 %
9 %
Prosti čas
8 %
7 %
5 %
5 %
4 %
Črna kronika
3 %
Usage of the word dejati (verb) in different sources compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical) [up to 8 most typical sources]
Considering the corpus average, with the value of over 100 being above average, the word dejati (verb) exhibits above-average typical usage in all of the listed sources. Values: financnitrgi.com (451.8), politikis.si (175.7), reporter.si (163.1), rtvslo.si (154.5), radio1.si (153.1), n1info.si (153), krog.sta.si (141), and 24ur.com (139.5).
Usage of the word dejati (verb) from January 2019 to December 2024 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
As shown in the line graph, the usage of the word dejati (verb) from January 2019 to December 2024 has, on average, increased by approximately 51%. The usage in January 2019 was below-average [78.8], and in December 2024 above-average [105.3]. The word was statistically most typically used in the period January to June 2022.