festival (preposition)
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V prihajajočem vikendu bomo gostili 10. mini festival otroških plesnih skupin, ki ga skupaj z JSKD OE Velenje pripravlja Pikin festival
twitter, 2013
10. mini festival otroških plesnih skupin - Pika miga 2013 bo v soboto, 12. 10, in v nedeljo, 13. 10., ob 11. uri v Domu kulture Velenje.
twitter, 2013
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Most typical collocations of the word festival (preposition) in different corpora
Number of occurences of the word festival (preposition) per million words in different corpora of Slovene
The word festival (preposition) is most commonly used in the corpus of Internet Slovene JANES (0.01 occurences per million words).
Usage of the word festival (preposition) from 1991 to November 2024 compared to the whole corpus (over 100 = more typical; under 100 = less typical)
There are no results for the word festival (preposition).
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